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St Peter's Catholic Church
Clifton Street, Lytham
Lancashire FY8 5EP
01253 737037

6 Clifton St
Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, England, FY8 5EP
United Kingdom

01253 736721

St Peter’s Catholic Church is situated on Clifton Street in the heart of Lytham on the Fylde coast, Lancashire. The Catholic faith in Lytham is steeped in a rich history, dating back to 1190 when a small Benedictine cell was founded in the grounds of the present Lytham Hall. St Peter’s is a happy, vibrant parish and we look forward to welcoming you.


News & Events

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News & Events


Sunday 10.30am, Monday and Wednesday at 9.00am,


The Sacrament of Penance is now available after the 9am Mass on Monday here at St Peter's, and 10:30-11 on Tuesday at St Joseph’s, Ansdell. This is in addition to the option of arranging by phone with Fr Peter to come for the Sacrament at other times.

lent prayer

Plant in us, Lord,
seeds of solidarity,
so that, rejoicing in your gifts,
we may cherish your presence
in each other and all creation.

Root us, Lord,
in compassion and justice.
Pour your Spirit down like gentle rain,
softening our hearts,
washing away division and selfishness.

Cultivate in us, Lord, 
attentiveness to your call. 
Give us hope to dream of a better world 
and strength to play our part
to make it a reality. 

Grow in us, Lord,
your ways of peace and courage, 
so that in this time of Lent,
we may bear witness to your love,
revealed to us in Jesus.


Children's prayer

Plant in us Lord,
seeds of love, for you,
for creation
and for all people.

Help us to grow, each day,
to be more like Jesus,
so that our words and our lives,
show people your love.



The bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, when, at the Consecration, the Holy Spirit over shadows the Priest and the offerings and infuses into them the same elements as into the womb of the Blessed Virgin.


As you can appreciate, Castlerigg Manor (our Diocesan Youth Centre) has taken quite a hit financially during the Covid pandemic as they have been unable to host their usual programme of retreats for our schools. As a fundraising initiative, they have just launched a lottery. It costs £3 a month to enter and the winner each month takes half of the total subscribed that month. To sign up please go to:

On the sign up page, set the amount at £3 for each ticket that you want to buy and set the frequency to 'Monthly1st'. Full terms and conditions can be found on the page linked above. Thank you for helping our Diocesan Youth Service.


Your small change still makes big positive changes to the promotion of the Catholic faith around the world. Please could I ask you all again to empty your own red boxes, and send the money directly to Missio? This can be done in several ways, details of which are in the porch at the back of church, outside near the notice board in the church gate, and on the Missio web site. Magazines and Calendars are available at the back of church. Thanking you in advance for your continued generosity and pray that by the next collection things may have improved. Any queries, phone Andy 07708807454.

food bank reminder

If you wish to donate to the Food Bank, you can either leave your contribution in the church porch or get in touch with Pete Rickards on 07929 553968 and he will be happy to collect from your home.


We are able to offer the opportunity to have the Sanctuary Lamp and/or Our Lady’s Lamp burning for intentions each week. Weekly slots can be booked up to a year in advance if you wish to mark a particular anniversary. There is a suggested minimum donation of £5. For more information or to request a Sanctuary Lamp intention please email

Candle Light.jpg


A reminder that if you or a relative are admitted to hospital and would like a visit from the Catholic Chaplain, it is necessary these days to specifically inform the Catholic Chaplain directly. Ring the Catholic Chaplain on 01253 956299** giving the person's name as recorded by the hospital and the ward. If the Chaplain is required urgently, please ask the ward staff to contact the on-call RC Chaplain. **Please note that the telephone number above relates only to people admitted to Blackpool Vic. Quite a number of people are sent to The Royal Preston Hospital where it will be a different number, and if they go to Clifton Hospital.